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This was a good box to get back in the swing of things, it gave me a good challenge, and reminded me of how difficult it can be to google for Windows enum tools. Besides that, it was a good reminder of how to interact with SMB and showed me a new place to look for user command history in Windows.

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Nahamcon 2021 CTF

This is my second time competing in the Nahamcon CTF. It is very well managed and has some good challenges. This year I didn’t have as much time to compete due to some overlapping assignments, but here are the write ups I threw together.

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Docker - Containerization vs. Virtualization

Containers and virtual machines are used all across cloud infrastructure. Cloud providers utilizes virtualization to divvy up hardware resources so that they can maximize hardware utilization on their machines. Docker is used to develop, deploy, and ship applicaiations quickly with low overhead some isolation.

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How to Install Kali Linux on VirtualBox

Virtual machines are super useful! They allow users to create isolated environments for testing, running software that the host machine can’t, privacy reasons, and many more. At UGASCS we mainly use VMs to host all of the tools we need for CTFs and other cyber events.

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This box was really cool for a few reasons. First off we bypass authentication using one of the OWASP Top 10, then continue to upload a reverse shell by tricking the web server into believing we are uploading a .

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Remote was a very cool windows box that required us to discover a vulnerability in their CMS, after discovering an exposed file system that contained a backup. Once on the machine we can find out that there are some misconfigured privileges.

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This machine was challenging, but I learned a lot. I learned how to make “smarter” shells and how to upload the pspy script to a remote server. I wonder if I could have completed this machine without adding my public ssh key, because at the moment it is very identifiable.

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This was one of the first boxes I completed and it was difficult. It took me the longest time to enumerate the directories and finally find what I was looking for. Overall, I learned more about using my resources and double checking where I had thought I already looked.

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Basic Pentesting

This Try Hack Me room guided users through the basics of web application pentesting. I learned about SMB enumeration and bruteforcing domains. This walkthrough also introduces bruteforcing logins with hydra and once the machine is compromised, elevating user privileges.

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Ice is the extension to the Blue room. In this room we learn more about windows recon, exploitation and escalation. This box uses a vulnerable service called Icecast which allows us to access the machine using metasploit, then elevate those privileges by abusing a spool process.

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Blue explores the dated, but widespread EternalBlue exploit. This exploit was used in the WannaCry ransomware attack which crippled healthcare systems and spread to millions of computers in a matter of days. In this room we are prompted to exploit this vulnerability using Metasploit.

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Vulnversity walks through how to preform recon on targets and look for possible points of entry for payloads such as reverse shells. On this box port 3333 is running a webserver. After dirbusting the webserver we find a path called internal where we are able to upload php files.

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Fuzzy challenged the user on the basics of fuzzing and taught me how to use wfuzz and other techniques to learn information about my target machine. I suggest anyone who would like to learn about fuzzing take on this challenge.

Card image cap is a great tool that is constantly scanning the whole internet for open devices and can be very useful in the recon stages of pentesting. This room walks through how to use filters on Shodan.