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This was a good box to get back in the swing of things, it gave me a good challenge, and reminded me of how difficult it can be to google for Windows enum tools. Besides that, it was a good reminder of how to interact with SMB and showed me a new place to look for user command history in Windows.

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This box was really cool for a few reasons. First off we bypass authentication using one of the OWASP Top 10, then continue to upload a reverse shell by tricking the web server into believing we are uploading a .

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Remote was a very cool windows box that required us to discover a vulnerability in their CMS, after discovering an exposed file system that contained a backup. Once on the machine we can find out that there are some misconfigured privileges.

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This machine was challenging, but I learned a lot. I learned how to make “smarter” shells and how to upload the pspy script to a remote server. I wonder if I could have completed this machine without adding my public ssh key, because at the moment it is very identifiable.

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This was one of the first boxes I completed and it was difficult. It took me the longest time to enumerate the directories and finally find what I was looking for. Overall, I learned more about using my resources and double checking where I had thought I already looked.

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Fuzzy challenged the user on the basics of fuzzing and taught me how to use wfuzz and other techniques to learn information about my target machine. I suggest anyone who would like to learn about fuzzing take on this challenge.